Friday, November 15, 2013

Honey, I love your love the most.

As I have been catching up on my blogs the past couple days, I've noticed I wrote one about Evy and one about I guess it's only fair to write one about Kevin. I'd hate for him to feel neglected. :)

Kevin is my best friend.  I know there will be people that read this and say "yeah, yeah" "that's cheesy" "nothing is as it seems" But it's all true.  If you don't believe what I say then that's fine and you should stop reading now because it's only going to get more mushy from here.  I know what it's like to be in an unhappy relationship and going through some struggles has made me have a completely different outlook on things.  I don't take anything for granted that Kevin does and I appreciate and notice how he loves me.  Kevin & I have a wonderful relationship and marriage and I think it's because we are best friends.  We discuss things.  We enjoy spending time together.  We pay attention to each other's interests and even though sometimes they get the best of us, we try really hard to not sweat the small things.  We rarely have "girls nights" or "guys nights" because truth be told...we like our "us time."  So as a tribute to my best friend, the father of my children and the best husband a girl could have prayed is our journey with pictures.  It does you good to take a walk down memory lane sometimes and see where you've come from...
The first family get together I went to with Kevin.  That's Walker, our youngest nephew at the time.  He is now 4 years old!

Us at the same family function.

The first time I went to Thanksgiving with Kevin's family.  I taught his cousin, Jordan, at the time.  I remember when I walked in she said, "Mom, what is my music teacher doing here?"

One of the many Panthers games we went to. Game #1

Game #2

Game #3.  We had season tickets.

Same game as above.  Tailgating in the parking lot.

Game #4.  It poured rain on us...hence the ponchos next to us.

Random photo. Classic Kevin Dunn pose.

At one point in our relationship, that's Riley I'm holding in this picture.  (One of Kevin's cousins and she is 4 now too)  I remember everyone looking at this picture saying, "You look like a natural mama Lyndsey. I could see little ones in yours & Kevin's future."

One of Kevin's favorite pictures of us from the past.  That used to be his favorite shirt on me.  Maybe I can get back in it. ;)

If I wasn't already a sure thing for Kevin by watching the Panthers, we have attended many Braves games too.

July 4th Braves game.

Atlanta trip with both sides of the family.  Getting autographs after the game.

Posing before the same game.

A weekend at the Outer Banx.  Golfing with dad & Keith.
Our first snow at Veteran's Park.
A fun weekend with friends.

Take 2. :)  Man look at that tan I had!

Bowling date.

One of our Valentine's Day dates at Carraba's in Wilmington.

Beach with friends.

Sweet picture.

Putt-putt date.  Everyone has one of those, right?

One of our trips to Atlanta.  Six flags.

One of my favorites of us.


Atlanta yet again.  We rarely go there, can you tell?

One of our engagement pictures.

At one of our wedding showers.

At another wedding shower/luncheon.

April 3, 2010.  Our wedding day.

Right after we got married, hanging out with friends before going on our honeymoon.

Although we don't like this picture, it's the only one we have while I was pregnant with our first baby.  We had a miscarriage shortly after this Thanksgiving picture on December 1, 2010.

This picture was Spring Training at ESPN's Wide World of Sports. 
This was my first time at Disney World.  Kevin was being interviewed in Florida for his current job.  We got home from this trip and found out I was pregnant that same night!

Our "babymoon" while pregnant with Eli.  In Miami - Braves game.
The birth of Eli Wayne Dunn on 11-11-11.

"Babymoon" while pregnant with Evy.  Atlanta with friends.
The birth of Evy Alexandria Dunn on 11-1-13.

Our current happy family of four.
On April 3, 2014 Kevin & I will have been married for four years.  I tried to use pictures from the biggest moments of our relationship, but I could have done so much more. I am thankful we have so many pictures to choose from and even more happy memories.  We have laughed, cried and shared all kinds of ups and downs in our almost 4 years of marriage and almost 5 years of being together.  I only pray that we have 70+ more years to come because I could not be happier in this life than what I am right now.  I hope you aren't feeling left out now babe, because without you and your role in my life, I wouldn't have these precious children as a gift. 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Eli's birthday - the big TWO!

Needless to say we've been kind of busy with the birth of our baby girl on November 1st, BUT we cannot forget our first love & bundle of joy, Eli. Kevin and I stare at him almost daily and say "He looks like such a big boy!"  I know he's two now and a toddler and am thankful he's growing up and is still healthy and happy as ever, BUT it just seems like yesterday I was holding him, rocking him and singing to him throughout the night.

Last year when Eli turned 1 we had a party with friends and kids, bouncy house, etc.  This year we knew that couldn't happen, but we were thrilled to have family here this year around his birthday.  So we celebrated Eli's birthday twice.  The night before they left, Mrs. Marlene & Mr. Wayne cooked him a kid-friendly dinner with hotdogs, hamburger, mac n cheese, cake and ice cream.  He got to open presents and be spoiled by them.  Here are a few pictures from party #1.

Eli with his Grandma & Granddaddy.

He loved celebrating with them and loved the toys too.  It was so nice of them to do this before they left.
During the week of his birthday, Kevin & I didn't want him to be jealous so we decided between us and his Nana & Papa that we would actually give him a new toy each day instead of all on his birthday.  We knew this year he wouldn't care when he got them, he'd just be excited to get them in general! Here are some of the toys he got:

Not spoiled at all, huh?
On his actual birthday, November 11, Nana & Papa ordered him pizza for dinner (one of his current favorites) and then Kevin & I had ordered him a cake.  He is into playing with cars and trucks, so we decided to go with this cake since he could play with the trucks afterwards.

I set up a little photo corner with decorations and did the best I could with a newborn.  Eli loves balloons so I knew he'd be happy with just this.  I'm glad we did something for his birthday, but he was all over the place (typical 2 year old) and he didn't take a nap that day.  Party #2 only lasted a little while.  ANYWAY, we did get some good pictures and made some memories along with Nana & Papa.

Some laughs were had by all, memories were made to last a lifetime and our little boy turned TWO YEARS OLD! If the future years are as good as these two have been with Eli, the I can't wait.  Eli is such a tender-hearted, sweet loving child with a huge personality.  He still says HI to every stranger he sees and says THANK YOU to absolutely everything.  He loves music and will stop and dance to anything with a beat.  Hearing this little boy scream "MAMA" when I walk into the room absolutely makes my day.  We love you Eli!