Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mother's Day and Mixed Emotions...

Mother's day is a "holiday" in which we honor all that our mom's do for us.  But this mother's day I've thought a lot about what that means. Maybe it's because I've had a crazy week acting like a single parent while Kevin was in LA since Sunday.  Or maybe it's because I feel like I've not been the best mom this week while trying to do swimming lessons, school, homework, tball, playground trips, bedtime routine for two AND keep my patience and smile.

This mother's day my heart goes out to so many people.  I want you to know Mother's day isn't just for people with biological children.  So many people get sad on this occasion because they can't or haven't had children yet, they've lost their mother and so it reminds them of their grief or they have certain celebrations as children and have a mother that can't attend due to several reasons.  It's also hard for families that can't be together and dads that take on the role of mom and dad.  It's hard for biological mothers who gave their children up for adoption because they knew it would provide them with a better life.  

I saw a child get upset to tears because their mom couldn't be at the Muffins-4-Moms at daycare.  The mom showed up, just a little late, and I could see her heart breaking...why? Because she was a teacher and she couldn't get coverage soon enough to be there.  She wasn't feeling like a super mom even though she is for teaching other people's children daily.  My heart just breaks for situations of all kinds because we all feel like such failures at times, sometimes multiple times a day.

My heart goes out to couples trying to conceive or experiencing miscarriages, or even still-births.  I don't always know what to say in these cirucumstances and I tend to stumble on what words to choose that exhibit my empathy for them without offending.  So I just want you to know that even though I am fortunate enough to wish my mom a "Happy Mother's Day" and even though I will be having lunch with my Mother-in-Law and sister-in-law tomorrow to celebrate us doesn't mean you are not in my thoughts and prayers, because you are.   My heart goes out to anyone struggling with "holidays" or anyone that it makes them believe they are failing at something.  

Everyone has a story to tell and if you aren't sure of what others are experiencing, try to see what they don't say and be respectful.