Thursday, January 31, 2013

Life gets busy so...#29, 30 & 31..

Today is a read one, get two free deal!  It's been one crazy, busy week.  I haven't been feeling the best the past couple days, but Eli is wonderful!  He is back to his into everything, can go anywhere and open every door in the house, never sit down, eat us out of house and home self.  He must be going through another growth spurt because he sure goes through all of the snacks I sent to daycare plus eats a full lunch.  He is still not my breakfast eater, but neither am I nor his papa, so I guess he got it honest.

This week Eli has been in his big boy "toddler" class at daycare.  He has cried every morning when Kevin dropped him off, but has quickly stopped when distracted with food.  Today however, Ms. Daisy (his teacher) said he had graduated.  He was now a big boy because he didn't cry a bit!  He has come home with marker covered hands one day (they start working on writing and coloring) and has been playing in their inside gym and sleeping on a mat on the floor.  Today when I picked him up he was busting a move to some Wiggles surrounded by girls.  He even blew one little red head a kiss. He doesn't say "MUAH"...he blows a kiss and says "MMMMMA."  Too funny.

Kevin has been the sweetest man helping out even more than usual while I was exhausted and my chorus kids had a performance Wednesday night.  Life is good around the Dunn household.  I can't complain! Eli was chilling with mommy on the couch, but just like a man...he wanted the remote.

 Trying on mommy's sunglasses.
Playing with our broken kitchen timer.
He put it on the fridge and said, "Did it."

Trying to put his toys in the trash...

Trying to pull the blinds off the walls...

Even though it's blurry you can see the marker covered hands.  He was proud!
Taking off mommy's sunglasses.

He's a mess, but I love him to pieces and wouldn't trade it for the world.  Did I mention my BIG BOY hasn't had a bottle at daycare ALL WEEK LONG!!!  We are down to just his nighttime bottle! :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Morning Madness... # 28

This title is a little bit deceiving at least on the home front.  I had to be to work super early this morning so everyone was still tucked in their warm beds when I left.  Morning Madness is an event we put on at our school for all the 8th graders that have not gotten into trouble for all nine weeks.  We all host an activity and they sign up and participate it in.  Anyways, it is a great and wonderful thing, but it does tend to be "Morning MADNESS," especially on a Monday.  But enough about work...

Today was Eli's first day back to daycare in about 2 weeks because of his sickness AND it was his first full day in his new class (because the last time I had to pick him up due to fevers).  He cried when daddy dropped him off, but quickly got over it before daddy even left.  When there is a change in daycare you always walk in almost holding your breath hoping everything went well.  I walked in and the new teacher "Ms. Daisy" said, "oh, Eli had a wonderful day! He ate well, took a great nap ON THE MAT(no more cribs in this class) and he hadn't had a bottle ALL day!  He went down for his nap with his paci and blankie and used a sippy cup for milk all day. YAY!  If we can keep this up, we are only down to a bottle for nighttime and I think we can break that soon.

Kevin had to work late tonight so Eli & I had play time outside, Eli arranged our DVD's for us because he didn't like the ABC order daddy had put them in and then he had bath time.  It was a good night.  Have I mentioned when I walked in with my boy after a long, hard day, that Kevin had left me a beautiful calla lily with the sweetest note in the kitchen for me to see.  I absolutely love my family.  I don't know how I'd make it and be happy without them.  Enjoy the pics of my afternoon!

Home again, home again...jiggity jig.

Arranging the DVD's.

Getting his mouth just right so they might fit back into place.

The flower my sweet husband got me.

Bath time fun!

ANNND out of all the movies we have,
he has "The Hangover" in it hand.
Daddy would be proud.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Funday...well really workday.. #27

My little sunshine woke up bright & early today.  He wasn't fussy or anything, so I guess he just wanted snuggle time.  We sat on the couch and he had a bottle while he snuggled on my chest, while we watched 2 episodes of Backyardigans.  By then it was 7 am and he had fallen back asleep, so I went and layed him down and went back to bed myself.  Although I was not wide awake at 6 am nor did I exactly want to get out of bed, I love that random snuggle time.  Especially when at this stage he is busy all the time!  I'll take them where I can get them.

So I went back to bed and apparently little man only needed about another hour so Kev got up with him at 8. I didn't even know it so I must have been sleeping good! :) Little did I know what was in store for me....9 am and my sweet, handsome husband comes in the bedroom with Eli walking beside him and they serve me breakfast in bed on a tray and everything.  He had made me pancakes and apparently Eli helped because he sure was telling me something.  Guess he didn't want daddy to get all of the credit.

When your day begins like that, it is bound to be good.  So today consisted of lots of running and playing and then Kevin spent most of the day with Eli while I needed a day to catch up on work I hadn't gotten around to.  I watched several episodes of "extreme couponing" while I worked and although it always motivates me and makes me be like I could do that...I'm like and where would I find the time to search websites and ads and papers, cut them out, organize them and actually remember to use them.  HA!  So high five to all of you extreme couponers out there.  I respect what you do.

Since I worked a lot today I didn't take many pictures so here are a few from last night.  Enjoy!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday... sad face #26

This morning was the dreaded morning. The one that anytime family comes, it's the day they leave and so it's always a quiet, awkward morning because nobody wants them to leave.  Muffin moped around and was Papa's shadow.  She slept with him the entire visit, but she always does that with my mom & dad.  She loves her Nana & Papa.  So Eli & muffin both made sure to snuggle with Papa...

Dad kept saying, "I'm surprised Eli doesn't have a dent on the side of his head where I have kissed it so much."
After Eli woke up good, then dad proceeded to show me & Kevin what game they had invented yesterday.  Although Eli has always loved to climb in this bucket, Papa turned it into a wagon and drug Eli around and around and around the patio.  It was so cute.
Everytime dad would stop, Eli would say (what sounded like) GO! GO! and then wiggle until dad did.  Guess we need to invest in a wagon soon. :)
He might just have to get one from the Easter bunny instead of a basket. 
We miss you already and don't know what we would have done this week if you hadn't been here to take care of our very sick little boy.

Friday - a good day #25

Well today's another 2 for 1.  There might be a lot of those throughout the year, but I will just be proud of myself if I actually have a post for everyday of this year to be able to look back on.

Yesterday Eli finally got that sparkle back in his eye and that mischievious grin back on his precious face.  He must have known that his Papa was leaving the next day so he wanted to make his last day with him to be full of smiles, laughter & snuggles.

Papa & Eli invented new games and did "guy things" that us moms never find out about I'm sure.  Here are a few pictures of my bouncy boy from Friday night when I got home.

Little man finally had his appetitie back and he even got to eat in the living room while watching Backyardigans.  WOO HOO!

Then while Kevin & I ran out to get dinner, Papa gave Eli a bath and they played and Papa picked out his clothes.... get ready ....

There isn't a single color, symbol or anything to these PJ's folks. That's probably why mommy's dress kids for the most part.
I was greeting with hugs and smiles.  First sign he was feeling MUCH better.
Then he proceeded to show me he's so tall he can almost open the front door. (He can already open all of the doors around the house because we have those long handles you pull down, not turn.)

annnnnnd we can almost open the fridge too.
Little booger is into everything and I wouldn't want it any other way.  Last picture of the day....

Eli does. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday of the never-ending week... #24

Although I appreciate a long weekend as much as the next person, it is amazing just how slow a 4 day work week goes by as a teacher.  Today was quite the day at work (come to think of it yesterday was too).  BUT I love my job and am thankful to have a good one.

I had to stay late tonight at work, which I don't mind, but when I got home...Eli was already in bed.  Although I'm glad he went down easy for his papa and is getting good sleep, I sure do miss my snuggle time tonight.

Some days you're the bug, and some day you're the windshield...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sunshine #23

Today I went into work with a much better attitude.  Knowing my boy is getting better makes teaching a little easier.  Well I intended it to be easier today.  We had some meetings today and I don't know why, but I am always so hard on myself and want to be a perfectionist on everything I do!  I left work Friday feeling extremely accomplished and then BAM I'm already overwhelmed again, but that is the life of a teacher!  Thank goodness I have some great people that I work with whom are awesome teachers and great friends.  We support each other and help each other at our best and on our toes.

I love what I do, but can always do better and want to do better but it's so hard to fit everything into 24 hours that you want/need to do.  Anyways, it'll all work out and I love what I do, which is why I want to be better.  So i'll get there somehow. :)

When I got home today, I was greeted by a sweet little boy running with arms wide open.  I love when he looks up at me with those big brown eyes like "mama, is that really you?"  Just melts my heart.  Eli's third doctors appointment and third round of his antibiotic shots are tomorrow so I'll praying the news is still positive.

Chillin' in mommy's lap in my PJ's...

This ball pit sure does make a cushioned backrest mom!  :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What a day! # 22

All of you that read my blog will be happy to hear that things should be looking up from least we hope it continues to get better and that this is not a cruel trick.  After all of the new medicines and a VERY rough night yet again, I left for work in tears this morning.

Now I need to mention that since everything has been going on, I called my parents in tears, worried to death about Eli at one point, and they worked it out so that literally the next day, my dad flew here to Florida to help me and Kevin with our sick little boy.  A lot of people are fortunate enough to have family close by, but it's sometimes difficult when you are on your own in another state.  BUT I am fortunate enough that both of my parents at the drop of a hat would have been down here next day if I needed them.  Since we just needed a little help, dad decided to come this trip and mom would come down if we needed her even though it is killing her to not be here as well.

Dad & Kevin took Eli to the doctor today for round #2 of antibiotic shots and to check on him (one reason I was teary eyed was because I was feeling guilty for being at work while my son was going through this).  The doctor said she could already see improvement in Eli's ears and that after the breathing treatments he sounded much looser. PRAISE THE LORD!

He took the shots like a champ, didn't even cry, and then came home and had a wonderful day.  He had a rough patch when I got home this afternoon, but I think it was because by this time he had received 4 shots in various spots in his legs and he was aching. So after a little tylenol, he was running around, talking on my dad's telephone, chasing Muffin and eating like there was no tomorrow.  This little boy went from barely eating the past 2 weeks to eating a total of 10 chicken nuggets today, almost an entire bowl of raisins, and about half a can of gerber cheetos.  YAY for an appetite, especially with all these meds going on.

SO, thank you for all of the prayers and messages, but we made it and seem to be on the road to recovery.  There is nothing like seeing your baby smile at you and babble non-stop.  Music to my ears. :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

2 for 2 ... #21

Well I put my big girl panties on and headed to the doctor this morning with my very sick little boy in hand.  I was nervous as we headed back and prayed we wouldn't have that dreaded hospital visit, but was prepared if I had to.  We do what we must for our kids and deal later with our own emotions, etc.

Doctor said his ear infections had gotten WORSE and he had a severe sinus infection on the way to becoming bronchitis.  I held my breath as she asked questions, BUT since he is drinking water and having a couple dirty diapers a day she thought he was ok for now.  I left with 5 prescriptions to give my 14 month old including antibiotic shots, breathing treatments (we own our own nebulizer at this point) and got steroids to put in it with the Albuterol.  Then he has allergy medicine and some other medicine and some other medicine too.  Geeze louise.  I wish I could just take the sickness away from him and deal with it myself.  At least I'll understand it will get better.  You can't explain that to a 14 month old in pain.

SO... going on week 3 with my sick little boy, but we hope to see the light at the end of this week.  He gets more antibiotic shots tomorrow and Thursday and should be finished with the rest of the meds in 5 days.  Then we shall move on to seeing an ENT about tubes in the ears per doctor's orders.

So please pray and like I said in my last post, this may be trying to us, but it is NOTHING compared to what some parents have to deal with for their children so I will be thankful it is not worse.

2 for 1....#20

So today will have to be 2 posts because yesterday was so crazy I didn't get time to blog.  I had a scary mommy moment.  Eli (2 weeks ongoing now) had yet again another fever of 102.6 yesterday.  After calling the doctor, she basically said we have already changed his antibiotic twice and he's not responding.  Bring him in tomorrow (Monday) and we will have to do blood tests and possibly admit him to the hospital for IV's and more extensive tests.

Well, we've been very blessed this far and the worst we (Kevin and I) have had to deal with has been ear infections and some breathing treatments. Poor Eli had an awful night, the third switch of medicines had his poor tummy hurting so he was up from 1:00 am until around 5:30 am where he finally gave up in our bed.  Needless to say I just stared at him with tears in my eyes thinking of how I was going to handle my sweet boy hooked up and held down for IV's and tests.

But, then I was reminded how blessed I am and it is true.  I don't know how all of you parents have handled seeing your children in the hospital when they were first born or even afterwards with serious problems.  The thought was awful to me, but I pray I never have to deal with anything major and I respect all of you that have or had to at some point in your child's life.  When they hurt, we hurt...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cold weather...#19

The past couple of days have been cold here in Florida, really cold.  And no, I don't mean 70 degrees and we are all freezing...I mean like 44 degrees! BRRR!

Other than that, my handsome little man woke up super early and seemed ok, but went back down at about 8:45 since he had been up playing since 5:00.  I kept checking on him because I thought man...he must of have been tired and when i checked on him at about 12:00 he was burning up.  Poor Eli had another fever...103!  I was like oh my gosh, what do I do first?!?

After getting his fever down and talking to the pediatrician, Eli had a great appetite and was running around here like his busy self.  Hoping we are fever free ALL DAY TOMORROW and thankful I still have 2 more days with him to make sure he's all better.  After all...this is what I am used to and what I love...