Well I put my big girl panties on and headed to the doctor this morning with my very sick little boy in hand. I was nervous as we headed back and prayed we wouldn't have that dreaded hospital visit, but was prepared if I had to. We do what we must for our kids and deal later with our own emotions, etc.
Doctor said his ear infections had gotten WORSE and he had a severe sinus infection on the way to becoming bronchitis. I held my breath as she asked questions, BUT since he is drinking water and having a couple dirty diapers a day she thought he was ok for now. I left with 5 prescriptions to give my 14 month old including antibiotic shots, breathing treatments (we own our own nebulizer at this point) and got steroids to put in it with the Albuterol. Then he has allergy medicine and some other medicine and some other medicine too. Geeze louise. I wish I could just take the sickness away from him and deal with it myself. At least I'll understand it will get better. You can't explain that to a 14 month old in pain.
SO... going on week 3 with my sick little boy, but we hope to see the light at the end of this week. He gets more antibiotic shots tomorrow and Thursday and should be finished with the rest of the meds in 5 days. Then we shall move on to seeing an ENT about tubes in the ears per doctor's orders.
So please pray and like I said in my last post, this may be trying to us, but it is NOTHING compared to what some parents have to deal with for their children so I will be thankful it is not worse.
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