Well not really "buy one get one" but read one, get one. :) I'm getting better and better at posting these two at a time. Life has just been crazy lately!
Ever since we got Eli's wagon, it's been raining. I'm like seriously? Yesterday there was so much water on the patio that we couldn't put him down but we did ride him around for a few minutes at least. Yesterday & today consisted of lots of cuddles, laughter and kisses. He sure loves to blow kisses. :)
Our biggest accomplishment is Eli is now eating fruit for breakfast...yes, FRUIT! It's been weird, he's always been super good at eating whatever for lunch, but he sure was picky for breakfast. Today at daycare, they said he had chicken, rice & beans for lunch and he enjoyed it so much he had it from head to toe. haha. That's our boy!
Lately he runs to me saying "mamamamama" whenever his daddy has to get onto him for eating dogfood, or throwing cans out of the pantry, or chasing muffin and trying to take her toys. It's sweet to be the hero.
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