So...I decided to look at my blog and my last post was in 2013, about EVY'S FIRST CHRISTMAS! My crazy, sassy, beautiful, animated almost 3 year old was 1 month old...and all I can say is because life is ... Busy! The title of my blog - shows you where Kevin and I were in our life. I started it when we moved to Florida (hence the name) in order to help family keep up with us and those special moments.

My precious babies are now 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. Everyday, I check my time hop app and see just how quickly my two sweet children are growing up.
Eli is turning into such a little man. He's still one of the most kind-hearted children I know. He cries if I yell or get upset and starts apologizing frantically because he can't stand the thought of me being upset.
And Evy - what a pistol! She is also sweet, but so above 2 - when I say her age, it just doesn't match her actions. She has always wanted to be right there doing what Eli is . She started walking at 9 months (full walking) and can have a complete conversation with you including vocabulary like disgusting and patient. They both absorb everything said to them and believe you me - will repeat back at you during the appropriate time.

On a different note, this past year I personally know so many people who have lost loved ones or that have situations where they are struggling to get through the trials they are in. I take these things to heart. When someone loses a loved one, it almost literally breaks my heart for them. I put myself in their shoes and just can't imagine how they feel and I selfishly pray I won't have to for a long, long time.
Specifically, several friends have lost husbands and children. Don't get me wrong - I feel that all loses are hard, but I just can't fathom losing one of the most important people in my life. The ones I share daily life with. The ones who see me at my best and at my worst and still love me 100%.
So with that said - one day, whenever God's timing happens - memories will be all that I have left or my loved ones have of me. So I'm going to do better. I'm going to make more time writing things down (typing in this case) so that my children and my husband get to see exactly what went through my head , especially in special moments.
I hope this blog doesn't come across as morbid or depressing, but it is very real life. It's a wake up call to me that life is short. Tell people you LOVE them, show people that you LOVE them, and take the time for what matters.