When you are expecting a child and carrying it for 10 months you think you have time to prepare. Yeah right! You read all the books, get advice from everyone whether you want it or not, and you try to have everything you can think of ready. Then you bring home this little life; this precious bundle of joy that you stare at it thinking he is the most beautiful thing you've ever layed eyes on. You can't believe that God blessed you with the responsibility to raise this little boy that was created out of love by you and your husband, your best friend.
But just at that moment, he starts to cry...and doesn't stop. Or he cries everytime you put him down and your days/nights now consist of sleeping in a recliner or couch to keep your baby satisfied. You go through a cycle constantly of changing a diaper, feeding him, and then getting him to sleep. You wake up getting a couple hours of sleep and you become a coffee drinker (when you couldn't STAND the taste of it before.) Sounds miserable doesn't it?
Well the truth is that YES it's different, but it is amazing. It is not miserable at all. I can't believe Eli is almost a month old already. It seems like just yesterday I was 41 weeks pregnant, praying that I'd get to meet this little boy soon.
He has turned mine and Kevin's world upside down, but for the better. We are more in love than ever and stronger than we've ever been in our relationship. The sleepness nights and figuring out cries are worth it everytime he gives you that little grin or makes this little giggle because he's trying so hard to figure out how to laugh. Or when you are rocking him in your arms and he is making those little noises falling asleep and he cracks his eyes open just enough to make sure you are still there and then falls back asleep. I am overwhelmed with love for this tiny baby already and can't wait to see each milestone as it happens. I wouldn't trade this new life for anything in the world. So my advice to soon-to-be parents...just go with it. Don't try and plan too much. Don't think you have it figured out because just as you get somewhat on a schedule, he goes through a growth spurt or changes and you have to figure everything out again. Enjoy it because everyone is right about one thing...they grow up WAY too fast.
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