Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What in the world?!?!

So I just noticed that I haven't updated my blog since December 2011.  What in the world could have me so busy that I can't just sit down and type away for an hour about life?  OH YEAH...that's precious baby boy.  Eli Wayne pride and joy... the center of my world (other than my husband)... is seriously growing like a weed.  When you are pregnant with your first child everyone says, "Enjoy every moment...because they grow up so fast..." Here is living proof...
I mean seriously, when did he get to where he can sit propped up by himself?

And when did he stop needing to sit in in the carseat in the stroller with the extra head support to make sure that his neck is straight up?  This picture was taken this past Sunday.  We decided to go to Hollywood Studios for the first time and he LOVED it.  He smiled at every person that passed by.  He layed back and chilled for the ride all afternoon long.

These 2 boys are the light of my life.  They make every day brighter and put a smile on my face no matter what.  So what is the point of this blog?  I look across the couch tonight and I see my sweet husband (the best daddy there could ever be...besides mine) relaxing with our son asleep in his arms and I say, "Enjoy every minute of every day...even the bad ones....because it is true, it is NOT a cliche...children grow up WAY too fast and before you know it they are sitting in high chairs eating solid food, rolling from one side of the room to the other, scooting on their stomachs, and belly laughing at jokes like they understand what you are saying."  As each stage goes by my heart saddens for my "baby" boy, but leaps with excitement for the next part of our adventure as parents.  Raising a child is a true GIFT from God...

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