Thursday, April 26, 2012

Babies, Babies Everywhere...

So before anyone freaks's not me with a baby (besides Eli...who is quickly turning into a little boy).  However, I have SO many friends & people I know who are expecting little bundles of joy in the near future and I am absolutely loving it.  I think any woman who has or wants a child gets so happy and excited for people they know who are going to get to experience the joys of being a mommy.  Kevin says that I get so excited it's like I'm the one having the baby, but I am just truly overjoyed for them. 

I have always loved kids, worked with them and wanted to have them for as long as I can remember.  My biggest fear for a while was what if I couldn't have kids, what would I do then?  Then Kevin & I got pregnant, but we lost our first baby.  When that happens, it definitely puts things into perspective and you see just how PRECIOUS being pregnant, carrying a child, and holding that tiny baby in your arms is.  Then when you get that child that God wanted you to have, everything you went through is worth it and although you might have unanswered questions, you're ok with it.

SO, with all that said...I get excited because when a friend is pregnant you get to hear the details, and when you hear them you remember every step of your pregnancy that you forget so quickly when your baby gets here.  The first time you felt them kick, what you craved or what made you sick, when you heard their heartbeat or saw the ultrasound for the first time and the dr's had to explain what the alien looking parts were.  Those things fill your heart up with love the first time you experience it with each child, and then again when you look back on them as well.  THAT'S why I get excited for everyone and what they are going through.  Not only that but it is an emotional rollercoaster the first time so having a friend that has been there, done that, is the best thing that a friend can provide you with.  Google and pregnancy books scare you to death, so find someone who will you tell you like it is and ask away(in pregnancy there really are NO dumb questions).  Whatever you've done in life, there is nothing like it (whether it's a smooth or bumpy pregnancy).  ENJOY IT, WRITE THINGS DOWN, & TAKE PICTURES!  You will love having them me. 

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