Tuesday, February 26, 2013

BOGO...#56 & 57

Well not really "buy one get one" but read one, get one. :)  I'm getting better and better at posting these two at a time.  Life has just been crazy lately!

Ever since we got Eli's wagon, it's been raining.  I'm like seriously?  Yesterday there was so much water on the patio that we couldn't put him down but we did ride him around for a few minutes at least.  Yesterday & today consisted of lots of cuddles, laughter and kisses.  He sure loves to blow kisses. :)

Our biggest accomplishment is Eli is now eating fruit for breakfast...yes, FRUIT!  It's been weird, he's always been super good at eating whatever for lunch, but he sure was picky for breakfast.  Today at daycare, they said he had chicken, rice & beans for lunch and he enjoyed it so much he had it from head to toe. haha.  That's our boy! 

Lately he runs to me saying "mamamamama" whenever his daddy has to get onto him for eating dogfood, or throwing cans out of the pantry, or chasing muffin and trying to take her toys.  It's sweet to be the hero.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rainy, yucky day... #55

Kevin & I did today, what we have been saying we were going to do for a while.  We went back to church.  We didn't make excuses...we just went.  Details aren't needed, but we enjoyed it and plan on this being the norm from here on out. 

Last night, we took Eli to Target to get a wagon we've been eyeing.  Nana & Papa spoil Eli and we got to have the fun of going to pick it out.  So after we got home from church, Eli took a nap and Kevin put the wagon together to surprise Eli when he woke up.  He ran to and wanted to get right in.  He loved it.  Since it was raining all day, Kevin spent a while pushing and pulling him around inside the house the best he can.  So the pictures below are from last night at Target, on the way to church, today in the wagon and tonight's bath time fun.  Hopefully better wagon pictures will come tomorrow afternoon. THANKS NANA & PAPA!

He is such a mess.  Love that boy.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Two for One. #53-54

Friday, Feb. 22, #53

It felt like it took forever for Friday to get here.  Eli had a good day at daycare (which he always does), but today they just kept saying how funny he is.  On Friday's the kids all go to Chapel where they sing, dance, and have a sunday school type lesson.  Ms. Daisy told me that Eli clapped and talked right along with everyone and the moment he saw the big kids on the stage dancing, he took off to join them and she had to go get him.  My son...the center of attention.  When we got home, it was beautiful weather, so outside we went.  Today Eli's sport of choice was golf. :)  Papa would be proud.

Saturday, Feb. 23, #54

Mommy/Eli day included lots of building with blocks, outside play time and while I went on a cleaning kick, even cleaning the windows,Eli "helped."  When Kev got home from work we had family time, played a while and then went to Target to get Eli a new, special toy from Nana & Papa.  You'll see it in tomorrow's blog!  I'm so excited to see Eli's reaction! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Catching up. AGAIN. #50-52

Tuesday, Feb. 19, #50

Back to the grind.  Monday off was wonderful and it made Tuesday the dreaded day.  Funny how that works, isn't it?  Tuesday afternoon when I picked up Eli he was extremely happy it was finally back to the warm Florida weather.  So we spent a while on the patio (which has become our daily routine).  Here are some pics!

My sweet, sweet husband coming home, going straight outside to join us and playing ball with Eli before even changing his clothes.  LOVE HIM!

Eli loves to clap after he does something well.  He will continue clapping until you say "YAY!"
Wednesday, Feb. 20, #51
Today was good, but this post is not actually about Eli.  I know, shocking.  Today was something I have not done enough in my lifetime.  After work (which was an Early Release) me and some of the girls went out for dinner and catching up.  It was wonderful, relaxing and fun.  Kevin does things with work a lot and although he HAS to do them, they are fun events so I'm always mommy.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE being mommy, but it was so nice that Kevin thought enough of me to say you know what?  You should go out more.  I am making some amazing friends at the school I work at and enjoy spending time with them so much.  Thanks girls and thanks Kevin!
Thursday, Feb. 21, #52

Today was your average day and boy was I dragging.  Not sure why though b/c I got home around 7:15 last night so I didn't stay out past my bedtime.  I really believe these 4 day work weeks go by even slower than the normal weeks.  Eli and I enjoyed some outdoor patio time.  He really has such a huge, fun personality and I love seeing more & more of it come out.  It was his female teacher and 2 little girls in his room when we left daycare today.  So I naturally said "Alright, you guys have a good day.  Bye bye."  Eli proceeds to wave to all 3 of them (one at a time) and then blow each one a kiss.  His teacher, Ms. Daisy just kept saying "He is so funny!" :)  It's funny now...but I hope the kisses and flirting slows down just a little bit before he's a teenager.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Brr... #49

We sure are tired of this cold weather in Florida.  It's suppossed to be sunny and super hot (I could deal with just warm).  Over the past 2 days, we have done tons of rearranging furniture, rooms, organizing, etc.  I feel super accomplished!  Although it makes you tired and want yet another day to just relax, we are very grateful for the 2 days instead of one together.  Eli has been so loving and happy.  It's amazing how you can't imagine loving him more and yet every day you do.

He was looking for daddy the minute he woke up.

Pointing out the window, even though daddy's not there yet.

Mumbling something with his paci in...

Muffin decided to join Eli in looking for daddy.

Eli was telling Muffin something and she was listening.

He even shared some of his snack while they waited.

She would get a bite from him and he would just laugh!

He finally saw him!

YAY!  Daddy!  Because obviously moving his high chair and waiting underneath was the most practical place to look when daddy wasn't outside of the window.
Silly boy.  Love him.