Friday, January 11, 2013

Eating my words... #11 I ended yesterday's post with these words, "with these 2 boys, how could I not be happy?"  Well...I have an answer this morning.  It could make you a little less happy if one of those boys wakes up with no sign of feeling bad before, with a terrible stomach bug.  Eli, poor thing, screamed all night...I mean ALL night and Kevin had to take care of him because I didn't feel well last night and took nighttime cough syrup.  In case you don't know me well, I turn into one of those zombies on the show "walking dead" when I take any kind of nighttime medicine. 

So I wake up, after the crazy night, and Eli is screaming non-stop.  When that happens you KNOW Eli is sick. AND just in case we weren't sure as we walk around with him to soothe him, he proceeds to vomit all over me twice.  Yep, twice.  AND in case that doesn't reassure us, his diaper starts feeling really full.  I won't go into details, but let's just say you don't know how much you can handle until you are a parent. Smells, sounds and sights are a lot tougher to handle when you become a parent, but you do it, somehow you do it.

Needless to say after several phone calls to friends/co-workers and some sub-plans typed up really quickly, mommy is home today.  Sometimes it is really hard to have to stay home when you don't plan it, especially as a teacher.  Don't get me wrong, I love my son and would do anything at all for him, but as a teacher we have so many other "kids" too.  We know they count on us and need to trust us and it always comes to my mind that they are going to be so dissapointed, especially my chorus kids.  It's so hard for them when they have a sub, and they don't all have a good mommy that would drop everything for them. *Sigh*  Somethings just pull at your heart strings...BUT...

I still love my life and I am still happy and I'm hoping my baby boy feels much better tomorrow. 

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